Client Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

I appreciate your good service. We are satisfied with your timely delivery, transcript quality, and cost. It was also helpful that you delivered it according to my special formatting need. I look forward to work with you again.

Mihoko Kohinata
Senior Project Coordinator, CarterJMRN株式会社

We have used the transcription service offered by Voxtab for some of our projects and we were happy with the overall services. Voxtab team always answered our queries / requests in a timely manner and adhered to the agreed delivery deadlines. The prices offered by Voxtab are reasonable and overall they proved to be a great service provider. We would not hesitate to use their transcription services in future (if needed).

Mael Tannou
Manager, Capgemini Consulting France

I really appreciate your efforts in transcribing my audio. We are very much satisfied with your quality. I'm impressed with your delivery time since I received my file before the promised time.

Akiko Ninomiya
Kanematsu Wellness Corporation

I have used Voxtab for my entire requirement with regards to transcription services, and I am overall happy to receive the files before the deadline. Also, the quality of output is much higher as compared to the fees charged for the assignment.

Kiyomi Shimizu
Assistant Professor, International University of Health and Welfare

Thank you for your e-mail, and I appreciate your good job! It's PERFECT! I received the document safely. Thanks a lot and regards.

Osamu Ota
Mgr. Public Relations Dept, JAPAN CCS CO., LTD.

Thank you very much for the file. It is amazing to have them before the deadline. It is helpful for my work.

Renge Jibu

Thank you very much for your hard work. I've received the files. Your transcription was very fast and helpful.

Izumi Yokoyama
Hitotsubashi University

I am completely satisfied with the overall quality of the service provided to me. The file has been provided before the deadline . Definitely recommend Voxtab for all transcription needs with high-quality and quick.

Noboru Nagamine
Aisin Seiki Co.,Ltd.

I always use Voxtab for all my transcription because the quality of the transcription is very good and the file is always delivered on time. The staff at Voxtab is also very helpful

Hirotsugu Kubo
Saitama Children's Medical Center

Voxtab has provided me a very good quality transcription service. It is very easy to order. I would use Voxtab service for my future transcription needs.

Asami Hoshi

The completed file was provided sent to me my delivery time. The Quality of this transcription was very good. The client servicing staff was also very helpful and polite. Definitely recommend Voxtab for all your transcription needs

Atsushi Kobayashi
Sompo Japan Research Institute

I am completely satisfied with the overall quality of the service provided to me. The Client servicing person was very helpful. I feel it is very helpful as you deliver the files on time. I thank you for your quality service.

Mariko Takahashi
The Asahi Shimbun Company
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Winning awards for our Commitment

Voxtab’s commitment to quality and service has been recognized and rewarded with a number of awards from around the globe.

BIZZ Award 2014 for Quality Services -  Voxtab
Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index Award (KCSI) 2018 - Voxtab
Korea premium brand award 2016  - Voxtab
The World Quality Commitment Award 2012  - Voxtab
Red Herring top 100 Asia and
                                    Global Awards  - Voxtab
India SME Heroes Challenge  - Voxtab